Choosing Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

Ultrasonic thickness gauge is used in the NDT testing field to measure the thickness of objects. You can find them being used in power plants, oil refineries, manufacturing facilities and other places where it is important to know the thickness of metal or plastic.

Ultrasonic thickness gauges have a limited range and cannot measure every material. If you are looking for a method to measure very thin or very thick materials, consider using magnetic induction or eddy current methods.

The precision of the ultrasonic thickness gauge is determined by the size of the sound path. The sound path should be at least twice as large as the thickness of the material being measured. For example, if you are measuring a 2 inch thick object, your sound path should be at least 4 inches in diameter.

Ultrasonic thickness gauges can be designed for single echo, dual echo or multiple echo measurements. Dual echo measurement is generally preferred because it eliminates discontinuities in the material that could cause a false reading. However dual echo measurement cannot be used on all materials, and may not work well on objects with features such as holes or through-wall defects such as cracks or cavities.

Ultrasonic thickness gauge is available in two types: straight beam and angle beam. Here are some things to consider when you are shopping for an ultrasonic thickness gauge:

The most important thing to remember is that ultrasonic thickness gauges are non-contact devices. The transducer is simply placed on the surface of the material being measured; then, using ultrasound, the gauge sends a pulse through the material to measure how long it takes for the pulse to return. Since the time it takes for a pulse to travel through a material is directly related to its thickness, the gauge is able to display an accurate reading of the material’s thickness.

All ultrasonic thickness gauges work in much the same way, but there are several different options available within each gauge model. The first consideration is accuracy: do you need a high-accuracy gauge or will a standard-accuracy gauge suffice? For example, if you need to measure thin metal sheets for aerospace applications, you’ll want high accuracy; however, if you just need to measure the wall thickness of plastic pipes for water supply lines, you could get by with standard accuracy.

What do you need the ultrasonic thickness gauge for? It is important to choose a model that will meet your needs. If you only need to test one type of material, you may want a model that works with only that type. If you plan on using your gauge for more than one purpose, you should choose one that is versatile enough to be used for different things.

Where do you plan on using your ultrasonic thickness gauge? If it will be moved from place to place often, you may want a smaller unit. These gauges work best when they are small, lightweight and easy to transport from place to place. They also make it easier to store them when they are not needed.