Improve Your Painting Technique With A Photoshop Color Wheel


If you are looking for a better way to control the color in your digital art, a Photoshop color wheel plug-in can give you the easy-to-use tools you need. Regardless of whether you are a digital painter, comic artist or any use any other area of online painting that requires professional results; the key to your success is in the tools you use. As software continues to grow in complexity and features, a plug-in is needed which supports the most advanced programs and works with them to accomplish the best results. The tool that works best for all types of online artists is MagicPicker 4.3 from Anastasiy at

The color wheel is aneasy-to-use plugin that works for a wide range of artists to make creating graphics and other colorful works easier. Enhance your techniques using Illustrator or Photoshop so that you can quickly change from color to color when painting on a digital canvas. Increasing the speed and effectiveness of manipulation with your brushes is achieved using these leading software choices.MagicPicker_screenshot_013

One of the biggest advantages of this Photoshop color wheel is that it allows you to tune independently the various features of color while retaining the original color tone. Once you make the color choice, you can decide whether you want to work with a warm or cool color palette, adjust the hue, and select color saturation. These choices allow you to create images that are as vibrant or realistic as you need them to have the desired effect. You can even compare the old color to the new one you create with to determine which is the best choice.

Each time Photoshop is updated, there are new and/or improved features that give you more choices for your projects. The new Adobe Stock marketplace introduced with the CC2015 version lets users select from a plethora of royalty-free images and videos. It also features faster heal and patch images ability, or option to create multiple layouts with artboards, and more options for creating special effects such as removing or adding atmospheric haze to photographs. There are many features that make Adobe Photoshop a flexible, easy-to-use tool for all types of artistic projects that you need to perform fast. When you add the Photoshop color wheel plugin, you increase your control over the available features and make a process that is already simple even easier.

Adobe Illustrator is another software program that can be improved with the use of the MagicPicker plugin. Illustrator is the tool of choice for artists who appreciate vector art and the ability to connect their desktop PC with their mobile apps and take their projects with them wherever they go! Boost your creative glow with the Photoshop color wheel that enhances the most-used artwork-assistance software used today. The more choices and versatility you have, the more detailed you can expect your artwork to be. The color wheel gives you more color options and speeds up the entire process so you get greater detail in your results without the time investment previously required.