A Distinction Can Be Made Between Forensic Watermarking And Apparent Watermarking

video watermarking

There are two different types of video watermarking solutions: forensic watermarking and visual watermarking. Both of these types of watermarking can stop the illegal recording of DRM-protected content on a camcorder. The process of embedding data into digital content in such a way that it can be recovered in its original form despite the fact that the content itself may have been altered in some way is referred to as watermarking. A forensic watermark, also known as a digital watermark, is a code or a set of characters that is embedded into a digital document, video, audio, or image as well as a programme. This allows for the one-of-a-kind identification of the content creator as well as the user who is authorised to access the content.

Content that has been forensically watermarked ought to be totally distinct from identical content that does not have a watermark. An efficient method of forensic watermarking should not only be able to store a substantial payload, but it should also be impossible to delete or alter the watermark without also compromising the integrity of the original content. The process of forensic video watermarking typically consists of a few basic steps, such as video encoding, embedding of identifiers to the encoded content, distribution to the intended audience, capturing and monitoring of leaked content, and finally extraction of the embedded identifiers to detect the source of leakage. All of these steps are necessary in order for the process to work.

Operator marks, also known as distributor marks, and session marks are two distinct types of forensic watermarks that can be distinguished from one another by the individual who is responsible for inserting the watermark into the medium. A session mark is introduced by the service provider in order to track the end-user information, whereas an operator mark is inserted by the content owner and is used to track the distribution of the material. Both of these marks are used to track how the content is used. The digital media sector could benefit from the implementation of forensic watermarking of video footage in a few different ways. It can be applied to pre-release content as a static mark in order to prevent their leaking; it can be applied to digital cinema in order to track illegal recording; and it can be applied to over-the-top video on demand (OTT-VOD) content in order to identify subscribers.

The process of Visible watermarking, on the other hand, involves superimposing a discernible logotype or textual information or both on top of the original content. This type of watermarking is typically used to indicate ownership of the content. In general, a visible watermark may lower the commercial value of the content or hinder the user experience; nevertheless, there are a few situations in which a permanent visible watermark is a more appropriate choice than an alternative that does not include a visible watermark. Digital libraries, the dissemination of material within an organisation or to suppliers as pre-production work, electronic commerce, and digital presses are some of the most important places where a visible watermark can be utilised. There is a standard procedure that is followed when inserting visible watermarks into video files. The video is initially read in the.avi format, and then it is broken down into its component frames. After that, the image on the frames is cut up into three planes, and the company logo is placed within the frames. After that, the images are once more transformed into frames, and a video output is written. While the existence of clearly visible creator information or a logo on digital work cannot totally prevent misuse, it can undoubtedly discourage the use of the content in an unlawful manner.