Factors to consider for the plastic part designing


When planning to do the Injection Mold Design, there are several factors which one need to consider. Designing an Injection mold is very crucial as the complete process depends on it. If the Injection Mold Design Services are effective, one will not face a lot of problems or may not face any problem during the complete plastic injection molding process. In case, if the Injection Mold Design is not up to mark or has some defects, it will not just ruin the complete process but will increase the cost as well. From the material selection to the mold designing and tool designing, everything needs to go right.

There are companies which take proper care of the plastic part designing process just like any other process of the Injection Mold Making. These companies for Injection Molding Process China, hire the designers so that they can meet the plastic part designing goals. You can check the website of the companies like https://www.jasonmolding.com/injection-mold-design/, which takes proper care of the injection mold making the designing process. You can read below, some factors that one should consider regarding the plastic part designing.

Right material selection

When it comes to the selection of the plastic materials or the resins. Ensure that you check everything related to it. Like, check the temperature of the material, cost of the material, and the chemical resistance of the material. Do check, if the material is abundantly available in the market or not. Know if the material has the agency approvals or not regarding its properties. This is the first thing and the most important thing to consider for the plastic part designing.

Location of the Gates

It is important to see the location of the gates as they are helpful in making the resin flow properly and carefully in the mold. It helps in directing the flow of the resins. So that the resin can be spread properly through the part. One needs to see the type of gate they are using during the process. Along with that ensure that the placement of the gate has been done properly so that we can get the best quality plastic part.


Just like the gate, the draft is also important, as it helps in ejecting the part from the mold without any damage. In basic terms, we can say that it is the taper’s amount on the plastic part’s vertical walls. Depending on the specifications for the parts design, the draft angles is set. If the draft is not there, it is not possible to eject the part from the mold. Or even if it is ejected, it may get damaged.

Shrinkage of Mold

Different materials shrink up to different level because of the thermal shrinkage. To avoid the issues that can come during the mold shrinkage, there are few things which can be done. Like optimizing the molding temperature and the melting temperature. Optimizing the speed and pressure of the injection. Optimizing and knowing the cooling time beforehand also helps.